Fall into Warroad, a family tradition...

Fall into Warroad, a family tradition...

As I land in Warroad, the leaves are in full transition; the ducks are flying and we are expected to get two inches of snow this weekend. I'm reminded of the tradition we continue with our products. Our wooden sleds, wooden toboggans and snowshoes are ancestors of outdoor winter tools that have gotten people on the land for centuries. Being in the woods as the leaves fall and on the lake breaking ice for a duck hunt, both seem to connect me with our customers who will rely on our sleds and snowshoes through this coming season.

I'd say that Fall is a tradition in our family. For my adult life I've come home at least 2 trips each year during the October/November Northern Minnesota hunting seasons. Now with two sons of my own, we make it a family occasion to leave the city for long weekends to recharge and celebrate the turning season.  Of course, it isn't pure leisure as we mix in some business discussions in the duck blind and at the cabin:)

young wooden toboggan makers in the fall

It is bit under stated to say this time of year is full of excitement here at Northern Toboggan Co. This year the usual anticipation for the busy toboggan season has quickly been surpassed by a flood of early orders and the realization that it has already begun! We are feeling good about our inventory as our craftsmen focus much of this month building traditional cargo sled orders for the ice roads and for the start of the Winter season in the Arctic! These transitions marks the harvest season for our family business. We've prepped all spring and summer to help get people outside and on the land with those most important. Harvest is a family effort, so all hands on deck…well, after the morning hunt…


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