Contact Information:
- Please call us @ 218.242.3234 or email info@northerntoboggan.com with any questions!
- Office Address: 403 Lake Street Northeast, Warroad, MN 56763
- Mailing Address: PO Box 263, Warroad, MN 56763
Payment Methods:
- PayPal - For a faster checkout, you can log in to your PayPal account on the checkout page.
- PayPal Credit
- Credit card or debit card processed through our website at check out.
- If you prefer to pay by check or money order please contact us directly and we can provide a custom order, invoice and terms collaboratively.
Refund Policy:
- Our products are custom built so we do not offer guaranteed refunds for any order once it is placed. Please make your purchases with this in mind.
- We do understand there are exceptions from time to time, so if you believe you have a good reason to return your purchased item, please contact us directly within 7 days of receiving your order and we can talk through your situation on a case by case basis.