Let the Adventures Begin

Let the Adventures Begin

Born and raised in Northern Minnesota, 6 miles from Canada, we have always been surrounded by opportunities to get out on the land and water. As a family, our getaways largely consisted of going into the woods for a weekend of camp life; where aimless wandering, fort building, cooking on the wood stove, and playing board games became a favorite vacation. Even as we grew up most of our time outside of sports, school and the other necessary parts of life "in town" would find ourselves in nature or "on the land" as our Northern clients say...

The craftsman and us kids have all gotten a bit older since then. But as we have grown, we still have an inherent need to regularly experience nature. While the majority of our time on the land still takes place out our childhood backdoor up North, we have learned that we don’t need to be at the 95th parallel to breathe in nature's tranquility and adventure.

It seems there is a primitive connection to stillness that our society often misses. The wonderful advent of smart phones and the busyness of 21st century life bring opportunity, but it can also cloud out the important parts of life. Experiencing nature by way of hiking, camping, hunting, fishing or simply sitting and listening have proven to be gateways to this stillness.

We have created The Adventure Log for two simple reasons:

  1. To share stories that are part of our lifestyle as a family toboggan company
  2. To help others experience nature by way of story

And perhaps we may just inspire you to get "on the land" and connect with the solitude and joy found in nature that we crave so much.  Let the adventures begin!




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