Holiday Tradition

Holiday Tradition

There is a definite correlation between snow on the ground in December and families having a toboggan under the tree for the holidays.

While some may grumble when the white stuff starts piling up its not like that around here…we find it delightful!

Its fun this time of year hearing the stories of the traditions of tobogganing a generation ago from folks shopping for the next generations toboggan.

It seems nearly everyone we meet has a memory of their families old wooden toboggan. Like packing the entire family on the toboggan on the way down and Dad letting everybody sit on the sled on the way up. If it wasn’t the family toboggan it was a neighbor or at the school yard.

I remember being one of ten kids in our family when we got our toboggan. Looking at the old photo’s, especially the one of Dad standing alongside the upright toboggan with all of us gathered around, he is slightly taller than the toboggan at 6′ tall…the way I remember it that toboggan was much longer than that! It was great fun for our family as it was and is for many families fortunate to have new snow for the Holidays!

I truly appreciate all of the remarks and thanks from our customer “family”. It is truthfully a joy for me to make toboggans for this wonderful family tradition.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and all of the best in 2014!


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