Grandpa, Grandkids, and Toboggan

Grandpa, Grandkids, and Toboggan

Hi John, Thought you might like a few photos of your sled in action. My two grandchildren aged 1.5 and 3.5 years get a kick out of the toboggan run which I had a friend create with his snow machine. I made three runs, but this one is the safest for my grandchildren. Even my Aussi enjoys the run, although once I ran over him as he couldn't keep up speed when he broke through the snow. The run ends conveniently at my barn gate, otherwise say goodby toboggan as it can disappear into the creek below. Gee, could that ever happen!!

Thanks again, Tim 

young boy in a snowsuit, standing on a snowmobile sled tracks overlooking small mountians

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Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good arilcte.nn1

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