One-of-a-kind, like Santa's Sleigh

One-of-a-kind, like Santa's Sleigh

The making of any great sled or toboggan starts with the wood. This nuanced process has become an art form for us. Every piece is unique and it’s important to listen to the wood to determine where it’s best used...the color variations, the grain pattern and the natural curves and bends that exist all point us in a direction. Learning to follow the wood where it leads us is key to long-term durability and a superior product.

It may sound silly, but as in all things in life when you take the time to listen and observe you see so much more, and thus, appreciate so much more around you.  We’re thankful for the passion instilled in us and the patience and care in determining where each piece of wood would best be suited.

The news of our love and passion has traveled far and wide.


You know you’ve made it big when you’re the emergency contact for the one and only, OLD SAINT NICK. In this situation, discretion is of utmost importance, so we can’t reveal too much. Let’s just say, we may or may not have had the opportunity to save an incredibly important night (FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD), and we made a jolly man with a white beard incredibly happy when we let him use one of our custom designed toboggans after he had some issues with his sleigh. Where else was he going to find a custom, hand crafted, one-of-a-kind sleigh replacement? Happy to say we’re on speed dial and we’ll continue to make only the finest wooden toboggans and sleds for the big man and for all you adventure-seeking lovers of the outdoors who find their happy at the top of a sledding hill.


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